Fedora Kickstart for Openbox

For a while now, I’ve been installing Fedora either through the netinstall method, or using the server’s ISO to install just the base OS before setting up Openbox during the first boot. However, after the recent OS reinstallation that I had, I wondered if it’s actually possible to have an ISO ready for me, with just the change I need and after reading around, I found Kickstart and that’s helped me to archieve this goal....

Nicer font in Fedora 20

Okay, to start this off - I’m actually a Crunchbang user. Recently my laptop’s hard disk died and while waiting for a replacement, I decided to revive an older laptop of mine and give Fedora a try. I would say that everything was perfect, well - “almost” but I simply hated the font! That prompted me to go on a journey to get the font fixed. Browsing around and I start to notice that I was not the only one with issues....