Migrated content from hallajs.net

I have “again” allowed my hallajs.net domain to expire and I’ll only be maintaining inu.io as of now. I’ve also migrated the content of hallajs.net here (although, I have to admit, it took a very long time). This site is now running on Middleman instead of Ghost :)...

Upgraded Ghost on OpenShift

I’ve upgraded my Ghost installation on OpenShift to 0.4.2 now and I thought I’d share the steps here, just in case if anyone ever needs it as a reference. Clone your existing OpenShift repository: git clone <openshift_repository> <path> Change directory to the checkout path: cd <path> Add the Ghost OpenShift quickstart repository: git remote add ghost_openshift https://github.com/openshift-quickstart/openshift-ghost-quickstart.git Pull the latest changes from it:...

Ghost on OpenShift tryout

After some time moving hosts, I’ve done it again! This time around I’m trying out Ghost on Openshift. I’m testing this with the free tier and we’ll see how it goes. So far it feels good :)...